Linux is a family of open source operating system running linux kernel you might not know about linux but the world is run by linux ,all the server are exclusively runs linux operating system because linux is known for its stability and relatability as well is it can run on wide range of hardware from watches to supercomputers
Unlike windows and mac os linux is completely open source and it has a very large community of people that helps ordinary people to get using linux, and there are lot of distribution there is something for everyone in the linux
Unlike other os the linux doesn’t even need GUI(Graphical user interface) or mouse to operate the entire system ,it can even operate by commands in the terminal many people are scared because of that but most linux distros come with GUI but still learning some command will improve your day to day workflow in linux
So these are some of the command for beginners
check out the a small introduction to linux here.
1.ls command
ls command is used to list all the file in the current directory you are in if you want the ls command to to show hidden files then use -a as an argument to show the all the file with hidden files in the current directory
cp command is used to copy files through the command line interface. It takes two parameter: The first is the location of the file to be copied, the second is where to copy the file.
3.cd command
cd- change directory
It is used to go to a specific directory. For example, if you are in the home folder, and you want to change it to the downloads folder, then you can type in “cd Downloads”., this command is case sensitive, and you have to type in exact name of the folder. But the changing director should be with in the current directory for example you are in downloads folder you want to open ex1 folder but it is inside
Some other folder in the download directory then the command should be cd Download/folder/ex1 also if the folder you want to open having two name like space in between then the space should be denoted by \ for example if the name of the folder is home work then the command should be cd home\work
If you want to go back then use cd ..
5.cat command
cat command is used to display the contents of a file. For example cat hello.txt
The contents of the hello.txt file will be displayed
mv it is similar to cut in other operating system it is same as cp command but instead of coping its content it will move the content it have two argument the first should be the source location next should be the destination
mkdir command is used to create a new director for example mkdir hello it will create a new folder in the current working directory it can also use to create inside the other director for example it can create new folder inside the hello folder by using mkdir /hello/hello2
If you folder need two word then the blank space is represented by \
rmdir is exactly opposite to mkdir command; it is use to delete the directory but it can only delete empty directory to delete the contents of the file rm command is used for that purpose.
9.rm command
rm command is used to delete files and directories. Use “rm -r” to delete just the directory. Defaut It deletes both the folder and the files contained within the directory.
Touch command is used to create file it can create any type of file for example touch hello.txt
It will create an empty text file with the name hello
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