linux penguine


Linux is an open-source operating system that runs on a wide variety of hardware from watches to supercomputers . this operating system can be controlled using just your keyboard and no need to use your mouse but all the linux operating system comes with graphical user interface {GUI}.but learning commands is useful to make your experience amazing

If you want to try linux checkout this article of best linux distro in 2022 .as well as check out other linux command series here


vim is a free and open source terminal text editor that’s in use since the ’90s. It lets users to edit plain text files using efficient keybindings.

Some people thinks it is difficult to use but exiting Vim is one of the most-viewed questions but once you get used to it, it becomes your best ally in the command line.


Its an alternate gui text editor,it is the command line command to open a file in the popular sublime text editor it is a gui text editor .but you need to install the sublime text editor to use this command


The which command prints the full path of shell commands. If it can’t recognize the given command, it’ll throw an error.

For eg, we can use this to check the folder path for Python


If you want a file to be impossible to recover,then  shred can help you with this task. This command rewrites the contents of a file again and again until the final result becomes extremely difficult to recover.



The whoami command (stands for “who am i”) displays the username currently in use


whatis simple prints a single-line description of any other command, making it a helpful reference:

It gives a single line definition for the  command or programs .


Wc stands for “word count,” and as the name suggests, it returns the number of words in a text document or a text file:

wc long.txt


# 37 207 1000 long.txt

Let’s breakdown the output of this command:

  • 37 lines
  • 207 words
  • 1000 byte-size
  • The name of the file (long.txt)

If you only need the number of words in the file, use the -w flag:

wc -w long.txt


uname(short for “Unix name”) prints the operative system information, which comes in handy when you know your current Linux version.

Most of the time, you’ll be using the -a (–all) flag, since the default output isn’t that useful:


Neofetch is a command-line interface tool that allows users to display information about your system — like shell,kerbal  version and hardware information — next to an ASCII logo of your Linux distro:


World Wide Web get is a utility that allows the user to  retrieve content from the internet. It has one of the largest option flags available.


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