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    A boot device is any piece of hardware containing the files required for a computer to start

Typically a cd. For many purposes like installing a new operating system or repairing the os or live booting an operating system. But CDs are not convenient. Making a usb drive bootable make it very convenient as well as useful . in this article we wil see how to make usb pendrive into a bootable device




    Making a bootable windows pendrive is very easy, it doesn’t even require any additional software other than a iso disk mounter .

STEP 1; insert the pendrive in to the computer [AT LEAST 4GB]

STEP 2;format the usb drive to exFat format

STEP 3;Download the windows iso file from the microsoft

STEP 4;mount the iso file using an iso mounting software

STEP 5;Just copy all the contents from the iso into your formatted usb pendrive



Rufus is an amazing simple to use utility for creating bootable pendrive for any operating system.


STEP 1; Download rufus from the website

STEP 2; Install it and open the rufus

STEP 3: Insert the usb drive

STEP 4; Select the inserted usb drive [it will automatically select the inserted usb drive]

STEP 5; Select the iso image of the operating system it can be linux iso or windows iso

STEP 6; select the required drive type weather it is for BIOS or UEFI

STEP 7; click start wait until the process is finished



    Rusfus is not available in other operating system but fortunately there any many other utilities that do the same thing on other operating system. In this article be will be using etcher

Disclaimer etcher cannot create a bootable windows pendrive ,so you need to use the iso mounting and coping method mentioned in the start of the article


  STEP 1; Download the etcher form their website

STEP 2: Install it and open the software

STEP 3; First select the usb drive you need to make it as bootable

STEP 4; Then select the iso image of your choose [not windows iso]

STEP 5; Then just flash wait until the process is completed

If you want to know more about linux and wanted to try out linux distros check out the article about linux

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USEFUL LINUX COMMAND [PART-2] https://mp3store.in/2022/08/15/useful-linux-command-part-2/ https://mp3store.in/2022/08/15/useful-linux-command-part-2/#respond Mon, 15 Aug 2022 03:41:40 +0000 https://mp3store.in/?p=356 Linux is an open-source operating system that runs on a wide variety of hardware from watches to supercomputers . this operating system can be controlled using just your keyboard and no need to use your mouse but all the linux operating system comes with graphical user interface {GUI}.but learning commands is useful to make your experience amazing If you want to try linux checkout this article of best linux distro in 2022 .as well as check out other linux command series here 1.vim vim is a free and open source terminal text editor that’s in use since the ’90s. It

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Linux is an open-source operating system that runs on a wide variety of hardware from watches to supercomputers . this operating system can be controlled using just your keyboard and no need to use your mouse but all the linux operating system comes with graphical user interface {GUI}.but learning commands is useful to make your experience amazing

If you want to try linux checkout this article of best linux distro in 2022 .as well as check out other linux command series here


vim is a free and open source terminal text editor that’s in use since the ’90s. It lets users to edit plain text files using efficient keybindings.

Some people thinks it is difficult to use but exiting Vim is one of the most-viewed questions but once you get used to it, it becomes your best ally in the command line.


Its an alternate gui text editor,it is the command line command to open a file in the popular sublime text editor it is a gui text editor .but you need to install the sublime text editor to use this command


The which command prints the full path of shell commands. If it can’t recognize the given command, it’ll throw an error.

For eg, we can use this to check the folder path for Python


If you want a file to be impossible to recover,then  shred can help you with this task. This command rewrites the contents of a file again and again until the final result becomes extremely difficult to recover.


The whoami command (stands for “who am i”) displays the username currently in use


whatis simple prints a single-line description of any other command, making it a helpful reference:

It gives a single line definition for the  command or programs .


Wc stands for “word count,” and as the name suggests, it returns the number of words in a text document or a text file:

wc long.txt


# 37 207 1000 long.txt

Let’s breakdown the output of this command:

  • 37 lines
  • 207 words
  • 1000 byte-size
  • The name of the file (long.txt)

If you only need the number of words in the file, use the -w flag:

wc -w long.txt


uname(short for “Unix name”) prints the operative system information, which comes in handy when you know your current Linux version.

Most of the time, you’ll be using the -a (–all) flag, since the default output isn’t that useful:


Neofetch is a command-line interface tool that allows users to display information about your system — like shell,kerbal  version and hardware information — next to an ASCII logo of your Linux distro:


World Wide Web get is a utility that allows the user to  retrieve content from the internet. It has one of the largest option flags available.


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TOP ETHICAL HACKING TOOL [PART-1] https://mp3store.in/2022/08/14/top-ethical-hacking-tool-part-1/ https://mp3store.in/2022/08/14/top-ethical-hacking-tool-part-1/#respond Sun, 14 Aug 2022 16:41:32 +0000 https://mp3store.in/?p=342 DISCLAIMER:         Hacking others without their consent is punishable by law the exception are for security reasons and ethical hacking so this article is for purely for educational purposes WHAT IS HACKING ?                 Hacking is a process of gaining access to the host computer by exploiting weakness and security vulnerabilities in the network. There are mainly two types of hackers black hat hackers and white hat hackers . Black hat hacker- this type of hacker hacks into the system with malicious intent like stealing information to sell or for blackmailing or just to sabatosh the

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        Hacking others without their consent is punishable by law the exception are for security reasons and ethical hacking so this article is for purely for educational purposes


                Hacking is a process of gaining access to the host computer by exploiting weakness and security vulnerabilities in the network. There are mainly two types of hackers black hat hackers and white hat hackers .

Black hat hacker- this type of hacker hacks into the system with malicious intent like stealing information to sell or for blackmailing or just to sabatosh the system.

White hat hackers-this type of hacker hacks the system to know the weakness and tell the owner of the system / network about its weakness and help them rectify the vulnerabilities these hackers are employed by security companies as well as governments


                Hacking tools are just computer programs that are used to crack or break the security of the computer system  and networks by exploiting the known vulnerabilities. There are many hacking tools created for different purposes. These tools make pentesting and hacking easy

So in this article we are going to see top 5 ethical hacking tools most of the tools are used in linux so if you want to know about linux check out the article about linux and if you want to know about what distro to use check out best distor in 2022



This list does not follow any particular order because each tool has its own purpose

1.Nmap (Network Mapper)

    Nmap is basically a network mapper capable of discovering services and hosts on a particular network, thereby creating a network map. This software provides several features that help in searching  computer networks,and host discovery as well as detection of operating systems it runs, etc. Being script-extendible it provides advanced vulnerability detection and it can also adapt to network conditions like congestion and latency while scanning.



    Metasploit is one of the most well known frameworks and it is open-source. This is used to penetrate testing and exploit remote target in hacking  some of the features of metasploit are it is open-source as well as cross-platform



    Wireless network usage is rising, so it’s becoming very  important to keep Wi-Fi secure. Aircrack-Ng provides ethical hackers a list of command-line tools that can check and evaluate Wi-Fi network security. Aircrack-Ng specializes in attacking, monitoring, testing, and cracking. This tool supports Windows, OS X, Linux, eComStation, as well as many other operating system



    Wireshark is a great tool that is used  for analyzing data packets and can also be used to perform deep checking of a large number of established protocols. You can also export analysis reports  to many different file formats like PostScript, Plaintext, and XML CSV.

Its feature set includes offline analysis ,cross-platform support etc..



    SQLMap is an open-source tool that allows users to automate detecting and exploiting SQL Injection flaws and taking control of database servers. it can be used to connect directly with specific databases. SQLMap supports many different  SQL injection techniques

Features of sqlmap are it has a powerful detection engine ,supports execution of arbitrary commands


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BASICS LINUX COMMAND FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS [PART-2] https://mp3store.in/2022/07/05/basics-linux-command-for-absolute-beginners-part-2/ https://mp3store.in/2022/07/05/basics-linux-command-for-absolute-beginners-part-2/#respond Tue, 05 Jul 2022 14:09:30 +0000 https://mp3store.in/?p=30 In this series we will learn about various linux command as this goes on we will get into intermediate and advance linux commands  So in PART-1 of basic linux command we see command linux command. In this post, we will continue to learn some other basic commands of linux in this post. Check out the PART-1 OF BASIC LINUX COMMAND FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS WHAT IS LINUX ?     Linux is a open source operating system that runs linux kernel there are lot of distribution of linux, linux is highly customizable os unlike windows for macos they are very restricted compare

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In this series we will learn about various linux command as this goes on we will get into intermediate and advance linux commands 

So in PART-1 of basic linux command we see command linux command. In this post, we will continue to learn some other basic commands of linux in this post.



    Linux is a open source operating system that runs linux kernel there are lot of distribution of linux, linux is highly customizable os unlike windows for macos they are very restricted compare to the linux os,os linux can run on wide variety of hardware from smartwatch to supercomputer and they are well know for it stability and reliability 

to learn little bit more about linux click here

this article will show additional and useful basic linux commands


    You can use this command to find a file, just like the windows search in Windows.in addition to that, using the -i argument along with this command will make it case-insensitive, so you can search for a file even if you don’t know its exact name.

To search for a file that having more than two words, use an asterisk *. For ex, locate -i scnotes* note command will search for any file that contains the word “scnote” and “scnote”, even if it is in uppercase or lowercase.


    It is similar to the locate command, using find it also  searches for files and directories. The difference between locate and find commands is that, you use the find command to find the files within a specific directory.

As an example, find /home/ -name scnotes.txt command will search for a file called scnotes.txt within the home directory and its subdirectories.


This is another basic Linux command that is very helpful for everyday use .It lets you search through all the text in a given file.

For example if you type “grep pink colors.txt” it will search for the word pink in the colors file. Lines that contain the word will be shown fully.


    df command is used to get a report on the system’s disk space usage, shown in percentage and KBs. If you want to see the disk space usage report in megabytes, type df -m.


    If you want to check the size of a file or a directory, the du (Disk Usage) command is used for that purpose.However, the disk usage summary will show disk- block numbers instead of the usual size format. If you want it to show it in bytes, kilobytes, and megabytes, add the -h argument to the command.


    The tar command is one of the most used commands to archive multiple files into a tarball file ,a common Linux file format that is like zip format in other operating systems, with compression being optional.

This command has a long list of functions such as adding new files into an existing tarball file, listing the total  content of an archive, extracting the content from a file, and many more.


    chmod is another Linux command, used to change the write,read and execute permissions of files and directories.


    Ping command is used to check the connecting status of the server that is still alive and does it give response back or not


     History command is used to show the previously typed command in the terminal 


    This command is used to copy some data into a file. For eg, if you want to add the text, “hello world” into a file called nameless.txt, you would type echo hello world >> nameless.txt

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 BASIC LINUX COMMAND FOR ABSOLUTE BEGINNERS [PART-1] https://mp3store.in/2022/07/05/basic-linux-command-for-absolute-beginners-part-1/ https://mp3store.in/2022/07/05/basic-linux-command-for-absolute-beginners-part-1/#respond Tue, 05 Jul 2022 14:04:19 +0000 https://mp3store.in/?p=20 WHAT IS LINUX ?     Linux is a family of open source operating system running linux kernel you might not know about linux but the world is run by linux ,all the server are exclusively runs linux operating system because linux is known for its stability and relatability as well is it can run on wide range of hardware from watches to supercomputers     Unlike windows and mac os linux is completely open source and it has a very large community of people that helps ordinary people to get using linux, and there are lot of distribution there is something

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    Linux is a family of open source operating system running linux kernel you might not know about linux but the world is run by linux ,all the server are exclusively runs linux operating system because linux is known for its stability and relatability as well is it can run on wide range of hardware from watches to supercomputers

    Unlike windows and mac os linux is completely open source and it has a very large community of people that helps ordinary people to get using linux, and there are lot of distribution there is something for everyone in the linux 

    Unlike other os the linux doesn’t even need GUI(Graphical user interface) or mouse  to operate the entire system ,it can even operate by commands in the terminal many people are scared because of that but most linux distros come with GUI but still learning some command will improve your day to day workflow in linux

    So these are some of the command for beginners 

check out the a small introduction to linux here.

1.ls command

    ls  command is used to list all the file in the current directory you are in if you want the ls command to to show hidden files then use -a as an argument to show the all the file with hidden files in the current directory


    cp command is used to copy files through the command line interface. It takes two parameter: The first is the location of the file to be copied, the second is where to copy the file.

3.cd command

    cd-  change directory

    It is used to go to a specific directory. For example, if you are in the home folder, and you want to change it to the downloads folder, then you can type in “cd Downloads”., this command is case sensitive, and you have to type in exact name of the folder. But the changing director should be with in the current directory for example you are in downloads folder you want to open ex1 folder but it is inside 

Some other folder in the download directory then the command should be cd Download/folder/ex1 also if the folder you want to open having two name like space in between then the space should be denoted by \ for example if the name of the folder is home work then the command should be cd home\work

If you want to go back then use cd ..

5.cat command

    cat command is used to display the contents of a file. For example cat hello.txt 

The contents of the hello.txt file will be displayed


    mv it is similar to cut in other operating system it is same as cp command but instead of coping its content it will move the content it have two argument the first should be the source location next should be the destination


    mkdir command is used to create a new director for example mkdir hello it will create a new folder in the current working directory it can also use to create inside the other director for example it can create new folder inside the hello folder by using mkdir /hello/hello2

If you folder need two word then the blank space is represented by \


    rmdir  is exactly opposite to mkdir command; it is use to delete the directory but it can only delete empty directory to delete the contents of the file rm command is used for that purpose.

9.rm command

 rm command is used to delete files and directories.  Use “rm -r” to delete just the directory. Defaut It deletes both the folder and the files contained within the directory.


    Touch command is used to create file it can create any type of file for example touch hello.txt

It will create an empty text file with the name hello

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HISTORY OF LINUX https://mp3store.in/2022/07/05/history-of-linux/ https://mp3store.in/2022/07/05/history-of-linux/#respond Tue, 05 Jul 2022 14:00:40 +0000 https://mp3store.in/?p=24 A history of Linux: tracing the operating system’s development from its early beginnings to its current form. this article will show the little slice of every thing in the different stages of linux . 1. INTRODUCTION     In 1991, a young computer scientist named Linus Torvalds created a new operating system that would come to be known as Linux. This open source operating system has since enjoyed a surge in popularity, and is now used by millions of people around the world. In this article, we will take a closer look at the history of Linux, and explore how it

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A history of Linux: tracing the operating system’s development from its early beginnings to its current form. this article will show the little slice of every thing in the different stages of linux .


    In 1991, a young computer scientist named Linus Torvalds created a new operating system that would come to be known as Linux. This open source operating system has since enjoyed a surge in popularity, and is now used by millions of people around the world. In this article, we will take a closer look at the history of Linux, and explore how it has evolved over the years.


    Linux was first created in 1991, when Linus Torvalds, a student at the University of Helsinki, decided to write his own operating system. Torvalds was inspired by MINIX, an operating system developed by Andrew Tanenbaum.

Torvalds began work on Linux in October of 1991, and released the first version of the operating system in December of that year. Linux was a departure from traditional operating systems, as it was based on the Linux kernel, a free and open source operating system kernel.

Linux has grown in popularity over the years, and is now used by millions of people around the world. In addition to its use as a desktop operating system, Linux is also used as a server operating system, and is popular in the world of cloud computing.

.The Linux kernel is a monolithic kernel. It is responsible for managing the system’s resources, and providing basic services to all other applications. The kernel is also responsible for security, and ensuring that the system’s resources are used efficiently.

The kernel is the first program that starts when the system boots. It is responsible for initializing the system’s hardware, and for loading the user-space programs and libraries that make up the system’s environment.


    Linux is a free and open-source operating system that was first developed by Linus Torvalds in 1991. Today, Linux is used by millions of people around the world and is the most popular operating system for web servers.

One of the reasons Linux is so popular is because it is very versatile. It can be used on a wide variety of devices, from servers and mainframes to desktop computers and mobile phones. Linux is also very user-friendly, especially for those who are familiar with using the command line.

Another reason Linux is so popular is because it is an open-source operating system. This means that anyone can view and modify the source code, making it easy to customize for specific needs. Linux is also highly reliable and secure, making it an ideal choice for mission-critical applications.

If you’re looking for an alternative to Windows or macOS, Linux is a great option. It’s free, user-friendly, and very versatile. Give it a try today!


    Since the open nature of the linux lead to the wide adoption nearly all the servers in the world runs on the linux in other words the backend of the internet is running of the linux the enterprise adopted buy the mainstream users are not adopted by them yet since they are main attracted to the popular option but it is changing step by step more and more user are trying to use the linux operating system because they are tired of the big companies trying as they wisee os now they are drawn towards the open and privacy focused linux operating systems if you want to wet your feet on linux here is the link to the best linux distribution to try for beginners 


    In conclusion linux is still popular among enthusiasts as well as in the server and it will continue to improve as time goes on .

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