Artificial intelligence ai is when a computer demonstrate intelligence like humans. in another work it try to think and behave like a human would in the same situation .ai is a very prominent part in sci-fi world but recently the ai revolution is very big every major tech company have using and developing artificial intelligence to the user. in like voice ,speech recognition ,artificial intelligence machines have the ability to learn new thing as well as choose decision based on experience that same like how human perform action and decisions 

    The main advantage of ai is that it can master multiple different skills easily opposed to humans need to spend decades to master a single skill . the ai comes a long way from what it is now we will see how the ai evolved over time as well as the current usage for users as well as military purpose

    This article will show a glimpse of the evolution of the life AI has taken over the development of artificial intelligence.


    The earliest AI program was written in 1951 by Christopher Strachey, Strachey’s checkers (draughts) program ran on the Ferranti Mark I computer at the University of Manchester, England. By the summer of 1952 this program could play a complete game of checkers at a playable speed

The first AI program to run in the USA is also a checkers program that was written in 1952 by Arthur Samuel for the prototype of the IBM 701. Samuel took over the needed Strachey’s checkers program and over time of years he extended it the functionality. In 1955 he added features that allows the program to learn from previous experience. he also included mechanisms for both rote learning and generalization, enhancements this eventually led this program winning one game against a former Connecticut checkers champion in 1962..

See also  P2P NETWORK

The earliest ai programs are for games like chess and checkers etc then the development  of machine learning was introduced in the mix which gives artificial intelligence an unprecedented potential for the artificial intelligence programs it gives them ability to learn like a human 

Now artificial intelligence has many applications but in its early days it is mainly used in games and other small automated task environment 


    In recent years the influence of the artificial intelligence is undeniable for better or for worse the recently developed ai are musch efficient and cloud based so the power of device is irrelevant the devices just need an internet connection .and also they are trained on large datasets,we now generate lots of data from our online activities that are used to generate training sets of artificial intelligence ,so it can suggest product based on our interest and suggest things that may appeal to us .now ai is mainly used for ad for the users in social media it is a very much a money maker for the big tech company that they tried tha artificial intelligence  

    There are also many kinds of ai like in our smartphone there are digital assistance ,voice recognition ,auto correct features etc.. 

    The recently developed AI can even draw for the world we give to them .now they can replace many jobs that humans can do even more efficiently . the power of AI is immense, so the government needs to regulate this thinking or else it will be too late to stop the power shift 


    The future of artificial intelligence has a lot of potential. The usage of it will greatly depends on the how it’s being used ,it can also bring harm to the society if it is used wrongly but it is now being developed to help in medical field to identify early stage of cancer as well as many many other disease accurate than a doctor with decades of medical experiences the future of the artificial intelligence is endless.

If you like to learn history then check out the history of the linux it is a very important operating system in the world 

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